My Views

September 6th, 2023
Written by John Grogan

The Holy Family Catholic School in Keighley has been partially closed this week because suspected reinforced concrete (RAAC) has been discovered in the buildings. Only Years 7 and 11 started school on time and it is hoped other pupils will be back in next week.

Both pupils and parents at Holy Family have faced a really difficult start to the term. Many students will lose those first vital days of a new school year which set the tone and the work programme for the year ahead. Many of their dads and mums are trying to juggle work with unexpected childcare commitments. They will want assurances about the extent of RAAC in the buildings and what action is going to be taken.

In July 2010, one of the first acts of the new Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron was to cancel Labour’s programme to rebuild schools which included Holy Family, Keighley. If that programme had gone ahead all pupils would be in school this week beginning the new term. The Government must urgently review the need to rebuild Holy Family for the future and not just do a patch up job. Last week they announced money to build a new sixth form college in the town so the funds clearly are available.