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From Keighley News, February 5th, 2018
Written by Alistair Shand

HIGH-speed broadband is heading to Goose Eye. The village is benefitting from a deal struck between BT Openreach and West Yorkshire Combined Authority. Keighley MP John Grogan welcomes the move. "Residents of Goose Eye have contacted me on a number of occasions about the lack of reliable and fast broadband," he said. 

"The village will benefit from a new multi-million pound contract between the combined authority and BT Openreach that has been signed to make superfast fibre broadband available to tens of thousands more households and businesses across West Yorkshire and parts of York.

"Basically, some British Government and European Union money is being used to pump prime investment in broadband in areas which are not yet connected to the network.

"Goose Eye has been included in the programme with a completion date, barring any technical difficulties, of spring this year."

Keighley West district councillor Adrian Farley said the scheme would provide a massive boost for everybody in the village.

"This is good news for everyone – from businesses selling online to students doing their homework to grandparents Skyping their grandchildren," he added.

"They can expect to enjoy broadband speeds of up to 80Mbps, meaning all online activities from shopping and watching films to working from home can be accomplished."